Speech Competition on “Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship.”
On a warm April evening, on behalf of the BGR Tribal Employees’ Association, I had the privilege of being invited as a guest to the 133rd birth anniversary celebration of the revered Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar at our local RCCC auditorium.
The occasion commemorated through a lively debate competition highlighted “the right of the marginalized citizens of India to liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith, and worship.”
As I took my seat, I couldn’t help but reflect on how different our nation might have been without Dr. Ambedkar’s pioneering work and advocacy.
What if his voice had not rung out so powerfully for the upliftment of the downtrodden? I shudder to think where we might find ourselves.

The evening’s proceedings began with me being honored to garlanded and offer flowers at Dr. Ambedkar’s portrait, a sobering reminder of the giants whose shoulders we stand upon.
The true stars, however, were the children who followed with their astounding oratory talents.
Rather than simply reciting biographic facts, these young speakers displayed a profound understanding of Dr. Ambedkar’s teachings on liberty, equality, and social justice.
Their persuasive arguments and emotive deliveries left me enlightened and inspired about the Path Bharat’s human rights journey has yet to travel.
Midway through the competition, our Executive Director Mr. N.K. Barua arrived and offered a brief speech commemorating the occasion.
He expressed his delight at the increasing number of participants compared to previous years, no doubt buoyed by the students’ vocal passion for Dr. Ambedkar’s legacy.
As the evening concluded amidst thunderous applause, I felt immensely grateful to have witnessed such a powerful tribute.
Dr. Ambedkar’s dreams for an equitable India that protects the rights of all citizens still ring true today. If these children represent the future, I can be hopeful that my dream will be realized.